We’re excited to be able to work with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to fund development of up to 5 geographically bounded case studies that look at ‘what works’ in effective local level policy engagement and collaboration between businesses and/or their representative bodies, policy makers and their research organisations.
The scope of the project should include examples of collaboration that address local policy relevant to sustainable inclusive local growth (e.g. inclusive and sustainable local economic performance, innovation, cultural recovery, living and working sustainably in a greener economy).
This study is a UK wide assessment and will need to take account of devolved powers and differing policy approaches both nationally (Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales) and where it applies locally (e.g., combined authorities in England).
The Innovation Caucus is offering funding of up to £15,000 for a suitable project led by a Caucus member. Deadline for applications is Thursday 27 October 2022, 5pm.
Duration: Projects will commence in November, completing on or before 31 March 2022.
Intended outputs: These should include a c.10 slide presentation, report (c.25 pages), and an executive summary (2-3 pages) suitable for research, policy and innovation stakeholders.
Submission Process: Please complete and send to info@innovationcaucus.co.uk the proposal form (Subject heading: ‘Funding proposal – Public Policy’)
Eligible Costs:
- Project costs (cost of travel, accommodation and subsistence)
- Networking/event costs
- Teaching or research buy-out
- Research assistance
- Consumables
Selection Process: A selection panel, which will include the Principal Investigator for the Innovation Caucus and the project lead(s) for the ESRC, will meet to agree the preferred proposal, based on the following criteria:
- Relevant expertise of lead applicants and other researchers
- How well proposals meet the project brief
- Value for money
- Feasibility of project plans.
A final specification for the project will be agreed with the successful applicant(s). We will aim to let you know the outcome of the selection on 3 November.
If you have any questions please contact info@innovationcaucus.co.uk.