The ESRC have invited applications for a Manufacturing Made Smarter Research Director. The Research Director will ensure that social and economic science insights are accessed across the MMS challenge and wider UK manufacturing sector. For further details see the ESRC webpages.
The Innovation Caucus was pleased to support a ‘town hall’ style webinar for any individuals who were interested to hear more about the role.
At the event participants heard from a current Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund Research Director (Professor Judith Phillips – Healthy Ageing Challenge), a current Network+ Director (Professor Jacqueline Glass – Transforming Construction Network+), the MMS Challenge Director (Chris Courtney) and the ESRC MMS Senior Manager (Daniel Robinson). The presentations provided participants with further details about the role and the MMS challenge, but also valuable practical insights from academics who have been working to make an impact with similar programme structures. Professor Tim Vorley (Innovation Caucus Academic Lead) chaired a panel discussion to allow participants to ask further questions.
Many thanks to all of our speakers.
Applications close on 25 November 2020 16:00 UK time
Featured photo: ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash.